EU Parliament votes to ban sale of internal-combustion and hybrid cars by 2035

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Following the European Parliament vote, the EU (European Union) has taken another major step towards the ban on sales of new vehicles equipped with internal-combustion engines, including hybrids, by the year 2035.

In 2021, the European Commission made the proposal to have CO2 from vehicles reduced 100% by 2035. The proposal received support by the European Parliament via a vote.

The next step is to the European Council which will have to vote in favour of the proposal. The Council is made up of heads of state or government of the E.U. member states, who will pass it into law. 

Attempts to have the proposal to allow up to a 90% CO2 reduction target by 2035 were rejected during parliament vote.

Countries such as Italy are seeking an exception for niche automakers like Ferrari and Lamborghini whose appeal to buyers to some degree is due to their big and loud fuel powered engines. Germany is also opposing due to concerns that there won’t be sufficient charging infrastructure ready by the 2035 deadline. 

Canada and UK are in support of the goal, with states in the US such as California requiring all light-duty vehicles to produce zero emissions by 2035, a move that has been embraced by General Motors, a US automaker who plans to have all their light vehicle fleet to be fully electric by that date. 

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