We’ve all been there: you have to leave your home or place of business shortly, but your phone is on the verge of dying. How can you maximize a little charging period to ensure that your phone is powered up the entire time when you can’t wait for a full charge? Read on to find out more about quicker charging and how to enhance the phone charging process if sluggish charging is an issue you frequently experience with your smartphone.
How to make your phone charge faster
Here is some advice if quick charging is something you’re interested in. To begin with, make sure the phone is receiving the greatest electrical current available when charging. Reduce the amount of energy the phone consumes while charging. Make sure your phone isn’t too hot or chilly as well. Following that, consider the following advice for quickening phone charging:
1. Instead of your computer, plug it into the wall
USB ports generally produce between 1 and 2.1 amps, depending on the device vendor and USB generation. Therefore, USB port amperage is considerably lower than if you use a charger that has been allowed by the manufacturer to plug your phone into a power socket. You may have fast-charging technology integrated into the charger as well if you have a more recent model of an iPhone or Android phone.
2. Turn your phone off
Turn off your phone while it’s charging if you can live without it. This prevents it from consuming any energy for ongoing operations or communication, ensuring that all available power is directed into the battery.
3. Don’t use your phone while it’s charging
The screen on a phone is one of the greatest energy consumers. If you can’t switch off your phone because you’re anticipating a crucial call, let it charge while you’re away.
4. Switch to airplane mode
The connection of your phone is the second major drain on your battery, along with the screen. Put your phone in airplane mode if you must use an app while it is charging. When it comes back online, any updates or emails you’ve sent will be delivered, but in the meanwhile, your phone will charge more quickly if it has less work to perform.
5. Get a heavy-duty fast-charging cable
Standard 28-gauge cables that are included with most devices normally have a carrying capacity of around.5 amps, but larger 24-gauge premium cables have a carrying capacity of up to four times that. Consider using a heavier-gauge wire if you discover that your phone charges too slowly even while using the wall charger. Fast chargers are heavier-gauge cables that can speed up the charging process for both iPhone and Android phones.
6. Invest in a portable charger
A portable charger might be a wise buy for individuals who tend to encounter this situation regularly. A portable charger, sometimes known as a “power bank,” is a sizable battery that you can plug in and charge ahead of time, allowing you to carry it about in your bag, briefcase or backpack to use for on-the-go phone charging.