DeFi investing is easy, accessible and widely available – here’s all you need to know

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DeFi is the abbreviation for decentralised finance and some believe this to be the future of finance. As it’s gaining ground, it brings changes to the monetary system and steals attention away from traditional finance. 

More and more financial institutions and investors acknowledge and gain interest towards the newest financial instruments, which makes governments look for ways to increase the regulatory supervision of blockchain-based DeFi. 

This new financial asset makes people wonder what this new technology is about, what differentiates it from traditional finance, and how they could jump on the trend.

Keep reading this article if you like being informed about the latest trends and acknowledge some must-know facts about the world of finance.

What DeFi is

By utilising smart contracts on a blockchain, decentralised finance provides financial instruments without intermediaries such as exchanges, banks, or brokerages. DeFi is a term used to describe decentralised peer-to-peer financial services on public blockchains, available and empowering tools for individuals. It’s a new financial technology that, just like cryptocurrencies, relies on secure distributed ledgers. 

It eliminates the fees that financial institutions like banks charge for their services, allowing individuals to store their funds in secure wallets, transfer money in minutes and only conditioning using DeFi services to an internet connection. 

How regulators feel about DeFi

There’s been a quick uptake of DeFi, which caught not only entrepreneurs’ attention, but regulators’ as well. The latter are struggling to deal with ways to effectively manage and control the risks this rapidly evolving technology poses.

The Bank for International Settlements is the umbrella body for central banks worldwide, and on 6th of December, it published its Quarterly Review, which included decentralised finances. The review emphasised the necessity for proper coordination of supervision of DeFi activities and systematic regulation. The report also called into question the genuinely decentralised nature of the software protocols that power these financial tools and their platforms.

How to invest in DeFi

One of the simplest ways to invest in DeFi is through Ethereum. Decentralised finances are based on a decentralised application that, combined, creates an open-source, financial peer-to-peer network, with the Ethereum blockchain serving as the core infrastructure. 

To invest in Ethereum, you need to open up an account on a popular exchange, advisably the largest available in your country. Binance, for example, provides cold storage and high trust and security ratings.

You choose how you’ll store your digital coins – preferably pick a “cold wallet”. When buying, you check the current Ethereum price and decide on the proper amount you want. When you find a DeFi investment you believe will turn out profitable, exchange your Ether for the token. 

Here are some examples of the best DeFi coins you can purchase in 2022:

  • Lucky Block
  • Decentraland 
  • SushiSwap
  • DeFi Coin
  • Tamadoge
  • Battle Infinity
  • Uniswap
  • Terra
  • Cosmos. 

How to create a DeFi investing strategy

There are many ways to invest in DeFi, but you must first assess your risk tolerance. This aspect must be the core of your investing strategy and decisions. To understand the mindset of a good investor, it’s best to grasp some of the most popular DeFi investing strategies.

Borrowing and lending crypto. DeFi lending entails depositing crypto into autonomous lending pools, so when you lend coins to a platform, you allow it to lease your funds to interested borrowers in exchange for interest. The opposite happens when you borrow.

– HODL. If you adopt this strategy, you’ll buy cryptocurrencies, generally cheap ones, so you have a good ROI when their value increases. 

– DeFi stacking. This is a practice in which a DeFi Platform user earns money by acting as a transaction validator.

DeFi vs TradFi 

The perceived threat of DeFi collapsing disregards blockchain technology’s evolutionary nature, which constantly upgrades to address key regulatory and technological challenges. 

Here are the three main differences between DeFi and TradFi, synthesised:

    – The immutable and public blockchain serves as a decentralised trust source in DeFi. On the other hand, legislators and regulators provide public governance in the TradFi space by establishing central points of control, which may lead to increased risk of manipulation and limited market access.

    – DeFi is inherently more transparent than TredFi, potentially increasing trust between lenders and customers and lowering barriers to access. This makes financial services available to everyone, including households and small businesses.

    – Before becoming a part of traditional finance systems, exchanges and innovators must obtain required accreditation and licences from regulators, which puts obstacles to innovation and makes it challenging to create the type of products that benefit the customer.

DeFi vs CeFi

CeFi, which stands for centralised finance, differs from a traditional stock exchange in that you can access CeFi crypto exchanges 24/7 the whole year-round. On the other hand, it resembles TradFi in many ways:

  • It has familiar systems and features like the traditional exchanges do;
  • It enables customer support to provide assistance;
  • It’s high in trading volume and liquidity.

Older crypto users might stand more chances to be familiar with CeFi, which previously set the norm for digital assets like Bitcoin. This necessitated that all cryptocurrency exchanges and trades be handled by central exchanges such as Binance, with a specific third-party custodian that controlled the assets held. You couldn’t access your funds in CeFi, and the central exchange also set transaction fees in real time. 

CeFi needs third-party operators and human administration, whereas DeFi relies on technology to deliver services. DeFi is undeniably more compatible with the fundamental benefits of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, as they are based on the idea of creating an immutable and decentralised ledger of transactions.


Evolving and emerging technologies have eventually resulted in a strong need for changes in monetary policy, which may have long-term implications for global capital flows.

There are distinctions between traditional and decentralised finance, as demonstrated above. The latter can offer numerous advantages to unbanked entities while also allowing technology to boost innovation in traditional finance.

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