How to choose the right delivery partner?

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If you have a product-based business, your top priority is to choose the right delivery partner. The right partner will deliver your shipments on time and in good condition.

Customers will appreciate your prompt services and buy more from you when they receive your products, improving your sales.

83% of online shoppers prefer to buy from brands where they can stay updated with the delivery status. This is why choosing the right delivery partner for your e-commerce business is important.

But how will you choose the right partner? Well, this guide is here to help!

1. Talk about your expectations

Depending on the kind of parcels and items you want to ship, you should have an honest talk with the delivery company about your expectations. This way, you can clear a lot of lingering doubts.

For example, if you have a clothing brand, you can afford to have your products delivered a week after a customer has ordered from you. But if you sell grocery items online, then you need to prioritize same-day delivery.

Ask them the minimum and maximum number of days they’ll take to deliver your products. Know whether they will be willing to meet you halfway on important shipments.

2. Discuss their delivery speed

When you talk to any interested courier partner, they’ll all show you grand figures and promise you lightning-fast delivery.

But you have to figure out how much of it is actually true. Check online for their reviews and ratings and see if their claims are true.

OnTime Group should be your first choice if you wish for a trusted delivery partner that does well on its promises.

They have GPS-tracked delivery systems that can be customized according to your specific needs. Moreover, their service is affordable and reliable, making it easier for you.

3. See if they communicate well

Another important factor that comes into play is whether the company communicates effectively.

You don’t want to go to a company where you keep calling them to resolve your queries, but nobody bothers to pick up the phone.

For starters, you can mail them and see how long they take to reply. Then, if they seem genuinely interested in working with you and providing you with good client service, you can go ahead.

But if most of your emails are unanswered or the person speaking to you over the phone sounds rude, you should move on to another company.

4. Check for courier tracking features

In today’s world, installing courier-tracking software in all shipment trucks and vehicles takes very little.

If you can track your parcels in real-time, you’ll constantly stay updated as to where your goods are and how long they’ll take to reach.

Even if you’re an independent brand, you have the right to know where your parcel is and whether it’s still in good condition or not.

So choose a shipping company with the latest courier-tracking features. The right kind of tracking software will bring more transparency to your business.

5. Compare prices

Of course, when looking up multiple delivery partners, you must also focus on and compare their prices.

But while the price is a major factor, don’t let unnaturally low prices hamper your judgment.

If a company claims their prices are really low and yet they provide great services, research their authenticity. In many cases, the cheapest delivery partner might not be the right choice.

Therefore, choose a company that charges slightly higher than the cheapest but sends your parcels within the stipulated delivery date and time.

6. Ask for different delivery options

Any good courier service understands the importance of providing different types of delivery services.

For example, the express shipping charges will cost more than the standard ones. But the former will be delivered much faster.

If the delivery company shows you various price plans and delivery options, they’re serious about their business.

Even when it comes to the mode of delivery, a dedicated company may give you a choice between conventional trucks or small four-wheeler cars. Some might even provide two-wheeler services.

Over to you

These above points are some of the basic criteria you must ensure when choosing a fast and reliable delivery service. So check all of these points and then come to an informed decision.

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