On an Android device, where Can You Find the Chrome Address Bar?

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If you use Google Chrome to access the web on your Android device, you may have noticed that the address bar is by default at the top of the screen. If you use one hand to browse the web or have a huge phone, this may be troublesome for you.

Fortunately, there is a way to have Chrome for Android shift the address bar to the bottom of the screen. This is the procedure.

On Android, how to Move the Chrome Address Bar

  • On your Android smartphone, launch Chrome and enter chrome://flags in the address bar. This will launch a screen where you can enable or disable several experimental features.
  • Type Chrome Duet into the search box, then tap the resulting link. You can relocate the address bar to the bottom of the screen with this function.
  • Select your preferred option from the drop-down menu under Chrome Duet by tapping on it. You have the option of having a full toolbar at the bottom, just the address bar, the address bar plus a few icons, or none at all.
  • By tapping the Relaunch button that displays at the bottom of the screen, Chrome can be restarted. The address bar and any other icons or buttons you chose ought to now appear at the bottom of the screen.

There you go! On Chrome for Android, you have successfully moved the address bar at the bottom of the display. By returning to chrome://flags and changing Chrome Duet to Default or Disabled, you may always undo this modification.

Google may redesign the flags interface in the future with a new flag, but as of right now, it appears that Chrome Home/Duplex/Duet is no more.

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