Kenya’s B2B platform Farm to Feed Receives Funding from Renew Capital

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Kenya’s Farm to Feed, a B2B platform addressing some of the 40% of uneaten food by finding new uses for surplus and less-than-perfect produce, has received funding from Renew Capital to help save some of the more than a billion tons of food wasted on farms each year globally.

The company’s tech-enabled platform aggregates supply and demand, optimizes logistics and provides seamless customer interactions in a bid to revolutionize Kenya’s agriculture sector.

“Our goal at Farm to Feed is to transform the way food is valued and utilized in Kenya,” says Claire van Enk, managing director of Farm to Feed. “We’re dedicated to reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture, boosting farmer incomes and making nutritious food more accessible and affordable for all.”

The company is making a significant difference in the way food is sourced, distributed, and consumed, setting a new standard for food sustainability in Kenya and beyond.

“Farm to Feed embodies the kind of innovative spirit and determination we value at Renew Capital,” said Esther Mwikali senior investment manager at Renew Capital. “We’re committed to backing growth-oriented founders who possess a blend of skill, grit and passion. Farm to Feed’s work in transforming Kenya’s food system aligns perfectly with these values.”

Renew Capital is an Africa-focused impact investment firm that backs innovative companies with high-growth potential. Renew Capital manages investments made on behalf of the Renew Capital Angels, a global network of angel investors, foundations and family offices who seek financial returns and sustainable social impact.

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