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Fintech Association of Kenya (FINTAK) Appoints Dr Juliet Ongwae as a Board Director

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The Fintech Association of Kenya (FINTAK) has named Dr Juliet Ongwae as a Board Director, effective May 20, 2024.

With over two decades of experience in the digital financial services (DFS) sector, Dr Ongwae is recognized for her leadership in driving digital transformation efforts across Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia.

Currently, she serves as the Senior SupTech Specialist at the Cambridge SupTech Lab, University of Cambridge, where she collaborates with government entities and financial institutions to pioneer innovative digital payment systems.

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Her extensive career includes pivotal roles at MicroSave Consulting, Musoni Microfinance, and over ten years at the Central Bank of Kenya, where she played a critical role in modernizing payment systems and shaping key policies and regulations.

Possessing a PhD from the University of Manchester, Dr Ongwae has been instrumental in leveraging technology to enhance regulatory compliance and financial supervision.

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Her expertise spans policy design, DFS strategy development, product innovation, and data analytics.

The association noted that in her new capacity she will lead the SupTech/RegTech Committee, steering the fintech community towards more innovative and efficient regulatory practices.

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Her appointment underscores FINTAK’s dedication to propelling Kenya’s fintech sector by harnessing technology to foster a more inclusive financial ecosystem.

Chairperson of FINTAK, Duncun Motanya expressed enthusiasm about Dr Ongwae’s appointment, citing her extensive experience and innovative approach to financial technology.

Her leadership is expected to significantly enhance FINTAK’s strategic endeavors and broaden its influence within the fintech industry in Kenya and beyond.

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Diana Mutheu
Diana Mutheu
Diana Mutheu is a Tech enthusiast, happy to delve deeper into the African tech space covering Social Media, AI, Startups, Telcos, Cryptocurrency, Big Data, Women in Tech and all matters Tech. Write to me @[email protected]

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