Morocco-based HRtech  Kwiks secures $827,000 from Azur Innovation to streamline its hiring process

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wiks, a Moroccan recruitment platform that connects companies with top freelance headhunters has raised $827,000 in funding from Azur Innovation Management (AIM) to streamline its hiring process.

Founded in 2013 by Amine Khayatei Houssaini and Karim Kaoukabi, Kwiks streamlines the hiring process by connecting companies with top freelance headhunters.

According to a statement from the company, this initiative aims to transform modern recruitment standards by streamlining the hiring process and connecting companies with talents more efficiently than traditional methods. The fund will enhance its recruitment efforts by accelerating the development of AI-driven solutions

“With KWIKS, companies can hire faster and more effectively, finding the ideal talent, with just a few clicks,” it noted.

The statement further emphasised that the funding will enable Kwiks to launch a highly promising version of its platform and also continue to develop innovative features, including its R2DS solutions that generate automated candidate reports.

Kwiks CEO Amine Khayatei Houssaini expressed satisfaction with the new fund and thanked Azur Innovation for their generous gesture.

He argued that Azur Innovation shares Kwiks’ vision for more agile and ethical recruitment through  artificial intelligence.

“This investment will allow us to continue innovating and providing cutting-edge solutions to our clients, while strengthening our position in the local and international markets,” Houssaini said.

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