What are your options after high school?

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School can be regarded as the best or even terrifying years of our lives. It’s amusing to note how you transit from being a child till you’re a teenager and a lot of our lives are spent staying in school, getting through the drama, finishing your homework and the usual play-time problems. High school can be quite challenging, especially when you reach senior year. You’ve so much to decide and possibly one of the biggest challenges you ever need to take is trying to figure out where are you going to go from here? 

If you currently are in a dilemma as to what you aim to opt for in the future and where do you wish to see yourself career-wise, then you might need to consider some diverse career path options apart from the usual like MBA online program. You can always consult your guidance counselor for more assistance but before that, you must have some sort of idea for your profession options. 

Always remember that every individual is capable of doing something in life that may differ from others and everyone possesses a different mindset. You cannot force yourself into a specific career just to keep up with family values or to compete with somebody, especially if you’re disinterested in that field, eventually; you’ll lose interest and will soon regret that compulsive decision. Here are the options you should take into consideration if you’re about to or are a fresh high-school graduate.

  •      College/University

There’s always the hard way and then there’s the usual traditional method that most students go by. Getting admission to a university or college can give you a wide range of careers to choose from. From medical to engineering, arts to architecture, the options are endless. You can always choose to study for a degree program in a field you’re interested in and where you’re able to showcase and utilize your skills in the best way possible. Sure it might be challenging for some but the result is always fruitful, not only are you a qualified individual but you can end up working for your dream job and landing yourself a well-promised career.

  •     Military 

Students who consider themselves to be fit for physical activity and thrive when it comes to tackling new challenges should opt for joining the military. You need great resistance and have to undergo several, strength training obstacles to serve your country. It sure is quite risky but it is also an immense honor to serve your country and fight for justice. Joining the army has its own privileges and brings you a lot of respect in the public eye. Training involves a lot of practice and repetition. Initial military training is super tough and it’s important to pay attention to the fact of whether or not you’re good enough when it comes to being obedient and surviving through difficult, hardcore conditions.

  •        Culinary art

You have a lot of options when it comes to pursuing something without having to go through the struggle of studying or road learning your textbooks. Why not consider the exquisite skills of culinary arts? If you’re good at art and are more inclined towards experimenting or being a perfectionist when it comes to cooking or baking at home, then this might just be the right choice for you. However, you must bear in mind that entering the field of culinary art you need to realize that being a chef is not easy, courses and degree/diploma programs often involve a  lot of learning and there’s more to it than just practical effort. From studying nutrition to food safety and costing, this program has all of it covered.

  •     Gap year 

It’s not always necessary you’re prepared enough to step into a whole new level of education. Sometimes you’re not able to keep up with the pace and before you cause yourself any trouble you should consider taking a year off. A gap year is when students take a year off from their education and utilize that year working on their physical or mental health; explore newer internship and volunteer programs. Undergrads often even are not able to withstand college/university pressure and therefore even consider taking gap years while they’re in between their degree program. Many institutions provide such relaxation to students who are not able to cope with their higher studies.

  •       Certificate and short courses programs 

There are several short courses and programs available as an option after high school. If you’re struggling with deciding a field, you can experiment a bit by taking a gap year and trying new courses in diverse fields to figure out what interests you the most. These short courses usually last up to a month to three months and they add up to your overall skills. Not only is it an extra added value skills to your resume but you also gain a lot of experience and it gives a head start to your career as well.

  •      Work or business

If you just can’t deal with being enrolled in any more educational institutions then working can be a rewarding path. You will need to undergo a lot of tough jobs and could prove to be quite troublesome. It’s best that you also consider volunteering simultaneously so you gain more experience. However, you must remember that you might need to work long hours and it’s very rare that you get a white-collar job instantly. So bear in mind that you’ll be working overtime and tough shifts to land to a stable, decent job. You’ll be able to discover the right career path for yourself and working at a young age will land you a lot of experience and lead to further training and enhancement of your skills.


By now you’ve probably discovered a lot of career options you can choose from. You don’t have to stress if you’re not willing or capable enough to enroll yourself in a 4-year degree program. Be sure to carefully consider what you aim to do before taking any irrational decision. With that being said, know that it’s important you stay committed and dedicated to whatever you choose so you can prosper well in your career path.

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