PROMAGRIC provides answers for the farmers in a way that it will boost productivity and cost-effectiveness.

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The Agricultural sector faces a lot of challenges right from the farmers. Majority of the farmers do not have skilled agricultural practices. This hinders the productivity of their harvest. Marketing the products from the farms is also a problem that most farmers encounter. They end up selling their products to the middlemen who buy at very cheap prices. When the farmers try to budget and account for the labor and fertilizers used, a huge loss is incurred. This is the same story for all the farmers you come across. PROMAGRIC noticed this and really felt the urge to assist farmers.

PROMAGRIC was started in 2017. Their focus was to come up with solutions for the agricultural sector. Solutions found would improve the profitability and the productivity of the agricultural sector. Women would also be given an opportunity to be autonomous. Within the few months of existence, PROMAGRIC managed to assemble 2200 farmers. All these farmers passed through the PROMAGRIC platform.1500 tons of agricultural products were acquired.

Another focus of the PROMAGRIC is working on the BIOGAZ technology. This is an opportunity for farmers and their households to recycle their household waste. In this way the environment which is crucial for our livelihood will be preserved. One fifty scholars were trained on the BIOGAZ technology. They went ahead and installed bio-digesters in twenty households averagely.
Impacts made by use of Biogas.

Health   Benefit. Biogas usage improves the health condition of many people especially the women who mostly use firewood for cooking. The respiratory diseases acquired from Firewood and charcoal is reduced. Eye violations and lung problems are among the other diseases the technology reduces.

Economy growth. Biogas usage saves on costs used for fuel purchase. Residues acquired from the bio-digesters increase agricultural yield. Guarantee of food security is provided. Employment opportunities for the local builders have been developed. It is also an investment sector for private operators and financial institutions as well.

Sexual role. Gone are the days that collecting firewood and regular cleaning of the pots was the norm for most households. This has been reduced by use of Biogas. Biogas makes cooking a fun experience without having to deal with smoke and constant supervision.

Environment Friendly. Deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and soil protection is maintained through the use of biogas. There is minimal cutting of trees as most households use biogas. Our soil is protected as the organic waste residues released are of great importance. Clinique Agricole project is another goal for PROMAGRIC. The role of this project is to diagnose plants. An image taken by a smartphone will enhance this. Advanced artificial intelligence technology will enable the success of an excellent recognition of an image. PROMAGRIC works on ensuring that millions of farmers around the world live to rejoice the fruit of their work. When farmers are happy and contented, the PROMAGRIC family is happy too.

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