Algeria: 3G Services To Start By 1 December

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Moussa Benhamadi affirmes that he has signed a law for the launch of 3G and 3G+ licensing and service provision which will published in the official gazette.


“We hope that operators will be ready to start offering services to citizens on 1 December”, said the Algerian ICT Minister who was speaking about a process that has been repeatedly been postponed.


The whole licensing process was set to begin on the first day of August. The minister added that the 3G service launch was not connected to the ongoing dispute over mobile operator Djezzy, which the government is seeking to acquire.


Benhamadi also said that Telecom regulator ARPT would be responsible for launching the tender and awarding the licences.


The country has three mobile operators, Mobilis, Nedjma and Djezzy.

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