Venture applications open for the Africa Tech Summit Nairobi 2024 Investment Showcase

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African tech ventures can now apply to pitch at the Africa Tech Summit (ATS) Investment Showcase taking place at the sixth edition in Nairobi on February 14th and 15th, 2024.

The annual Investment Showcase is a cornerstone of Africa Tech Summit, which aims to bring together investors, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and industry leaders from across the continent, driving business and investment forward in the ecosystem.

Edwin Lubanga, CTO and Co-Founder of Snark Health, a previous participating venture shared; “The post-event traction was remarkable. We established valuable partnerships with local companies. The pitch recording and media coverage generated significant brand visibility, leading to a surge in sign-ups and downloads for our patient and doctor apps”.

Selected ventures will showcase their ground-breaking ideas to a diverse audience of local and international investors and tech leaders, opening doors to potential funding and strategic partnerships. Additionally, they will have full access to the two-day summit including workshops and networking sessions.

Previous ATS Investment Showcase editions have enabled ventures to successfully secure funding, partnerships, and drive media awareness, highlighting the Summits aim of connecting industry leaders, ventures and investors.

To apply ventures must be African, with at least one African co-founder or headquartered in Africa, have a product or service that is innovative and designed for scale, and must be able to present in person at the summit.

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