Epic replaces MapJam as Finalist in PIVOT East 2014 Entertainment category

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pivot eastPIVOT EAST has replaced MapJam, which was previously announced as finalist of PIVOT East with Epic, which provides a three prong approach to moving the Media houses from in-effective shoot-and-miss online content delivery, to a structured measurable, cost-effective way of creating profitable digital content.

MapJam, a Kenyan startup  brings offline businesses and events online, making it possible for anyone to perform or to sell wherever they see fit, and to find the things or talents they are searching for, when & where they wish. PIVOT East organisers and MapJam have mutually agreed that the startup would not pitch at the finals for reasons touching on preparedness. This means that the startup in the waiting list of the entertainment category replaces MapJam according to the competition rules. In this case Epic has been the beneficiary of this competition rule.

Epic will therefore join the competition against Ubongo Kids from Tanzania. Other competitors in this category are Muva Studios, Momentum Core and Safari Tales – all from Kenya. The pitching session is slotted for 11:30am on 25th June. Judges for this category will be Matthew Papakipos, Invested Development’s Sidd Goyal, TL Com Capital’s Andreata Muforo, Growth Africa’s Johnni Kjelsgaard and 88MPH’s Nikolai Bramwel.


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