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OLX Releases Version 4 of its Mobile App & it’s Fast

OLX-Free-ClassifiedsWe realized last evening that OLX has released its version 4 of its app on iOS, Android, Nokia and Blackberry app stores in a move the firm says aims to make user experience great with shorter upload times of items and fast search functionality.

The new app puts an end to the complicated to use and slower version 3 which you might have all used sometime. If you were keen enough, version 3 could not support low HTML files and its user interface was a bit complex and needed too much navigation.  When I used it once, it required me to load one page at a time and I couldn’t even save my searches.

Launched on August 1 globally, the new App allows a user to save their searches, it’s fast and works even when you are on a poor or slow internet connection.

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Firstly, if you are logging in from Hurlingham or Westlands or Whatever, it will show you the latest items posted so you don’t have to dig deep to find a great new deal on the site. You then head to the item category you want to buy or just browse through. Buyers can also search by price and size of the item in case of real estate.

Secondly, apart from great search and ease of post, navigating through the categories is ease and smooth and a user will easily and quickly move from one category to the next and as well search through or just peruse the photos. Compared to the previous one, the app loads faster and users can save their search results per category which allows one to refer to items they searched earlier.

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olx mobileThe new version of the app, aims to make selling easy and first and we think that’s a plus the app wil give the selelrs. You just need to take a picture with your mobile, describe your product and click submit to sell your item. OLX aims to cut the intermediary of the supply chain and allow users to get in touch directly with the seller through SMS, mail or a phone call. For easy reference and personalised experience, set up an account to have your own-“My OLX” so you can track your wishlist or favorite items whenever they are posted.

However, during photo upload, you need to be careful as the app show all your photos at once and you can easily pick a wrong image for an item or might waste time scrolling all your image gallery for the right photo. There’s a need to show images by source; say from camera, memory card, cloud storage or image gallery. Also, when we searched for real estate and cars, we realized you can not search by price range or size. So for one searching for a 2 bedroom rental house, they have to go through all the houses listed for rent. For cars, you can’t search for a specific model say Mercedes Benz, neither can you search for cars under price but will have to go through all the car listings. We hope more seller details and item description details will be added with time.

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Sam Wakoba
Sam Wakoba
Taking you on tour through Africa's tech and business ecosystem, one story at a time since 2010! Based out of Nairobi, Kenya, Sam is the founder and managing director of Moran Media, which runs, various other digital platforms and a startup incubation hub for Kenya's youthful entrepreneurs. Drop me a mail at [email protected]

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