Twitter’s Periscope wants to help you stream your videos live from your mobile phone

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Periscope 2In a move that’s set to allow users share and watch live video broadcasts from their mobile phones, Twitter has launched Periscope, an app it acquired early this year for about $75 million to $100 million.

Periscope will allow Twitter users to title their broadcasts as well and share them with only those only those one choses to view it. Periscope works simply.

You press a button, and instantly notify your followers that you’re live. Viewers can then join an audience or simply step into someone else’s shoes. See what they see, hear what they hear, and hopefully feel what they feel.

Unlike TV, Periscope viewers influence the broadcaster by sending messages, and expressing their love by tapping the screen to send hearts.

PeriscopeOne can tap the video while watching to send a color coded heart. Periscope aims to give people a way to share and experience the world around them, both near and far.

Livestreaming has become a popular topic when Twitter axed another livestreaming app called Mearkat from its API. When it did that, everyone knew it was time for Twitter itself to let its users stream their lives to their followers via live video via Telescope which it had acquired in February. Twitter had a similar fight with TwitPic which was a photosharing app using Twitter API.

Recently, Twitter launched Tweet Deck teams that lets you share accounts without sharing passwords. They also lunched “While you were away” feature that keeps you abreast with what’s happening on Twitter even when you are offline.

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