PiggyBank is a Platform That’ll Helps Nigerians Save Their Money

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Savings can be very difficult when done manually. Millennials tend to spend almost everything they earn. Some people still resort to the local savings method of putting money in a box which is totally unsafe. People generally lack the discipline and haven’t imbibed the culture of savings.

Using PiggyBank, a saving platform owned by Sharphire Global Limited, Nigerians can automatically save small amounts of money daily, weekly or monthly depending on the savings target, with the service free to use and minimum effort.  You can add funds to your account at any point you like, whether you just got your salary, received extra income or you just want to put money aside randomly.

They then allow you to withdraw for free on only set withdrawal dates, which take place only four times a year, thereby practically making saving more possible for you by eliminating the temptation to withdraw. Withdrawing outside of the four days attracts a 5% penalty fee on just the amount you are withdrawing.

You can also lock all or parts of your savings in your Piggybank.ng account & receive instant upfront interest of up to 25%. All your funds will be sent back to your Piggybank.ng account on the return date you set.

Piggybank.ng is a product that hinges on existing financial institutions, to manage the funds, while they focus on the marketing and technology layers. All funds are deposited with banks and are insured, with PiggyBank making money from interest accrued.



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