The Next Einstein Forum & CcHub are Inviting Startups in Kenya to Pitch for $25K

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The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) and the Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB), have partnered to launch the Sciencepreneur Investor Meetup Call set to hold concurrently at the NEF Global Gatherings 2020.

The Next Einstein Forum, an initiative of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) that connects science, society and policy in Africa and the rest of the world – with the goal to leverage science for human development globally, aims to help scientists transition their ideas from lab to market, thereby commercializing their breakthrough solutions. This transition often is not a clear cut for scientists because tech transfer is weak, or otherwise nonexistent at most universities, centres of Academia, research & learning institutes.

The meetup aims to support African science driven entrepreneurs (Sciencepreneurs) with pitch preparation and investment readiness sessions and thereafter, connect them to investors. These sessions will take place in the form of a bootcamp days before the NEF Global Gatherings in March 2020.

The submissions should fall under one or more of the AfDB High 5s which include Integrate Africa, Light up & Power Africa, Feed Africa, Industrialize Africa, and Improve the quality of life for the people of Africa.

NEF’s work is shaped by the belief that the next Einstein will be African and through the Sciencepreneur Investor Meetup, we are hoping to find the next generation of young African scientists and technologists that can solve some of the continents’ biggest problems.

Winning solutions will take home $25,000 for each category, and a chance to pitch before investors during the NEF Innovation Salon in Nairobi in March 2020, at the NEF Global Gathering where they can raise additional funding.

Those looking to apply must hold a passport from an African country, be of African descent, have the ability to present their work in English and must be available to travel to Nairobi, Kenya from March 5 – March 13 2020.

Applicants can learn more about the criteria and how to apply on the website here and submissions are open until 20 December.

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