This is a perfect way of making money without breaking the bank, before you start this venture make sure you understand the purpose of your book, think about ways you’re going to market your book and how do you plan
- SeamlessHR Raises $9M to Expand Across Africa
- Waza launches Lync, a multi-currency banking platform for businesses in Africa
- NaFarm Foods Gets $1M Zayed Sustainability Prize to Improve Food Security in Nigeria
- Ilara Health & Safi Organics Get $1M & $237,500 Respectfully to Promote Health & Food Security
- Kenya Orders Social Media Companies to Establish Physical Offices
- Starlink Offers $9 Plan to Entice New & Inactive Users
- Conservio, South African Online Booking Platform Raises $1m
- Safaricom Board Appoints Edward Okaro as an Independent Non-Executive Director