The online mall selling books, appliances, groceries, beauty and personal care products, toys, gaming consoles, computers, electronics among others seems to have struck gold, or is just on steriods.
According to Konga, “We are always looking for great people. Not only do you need to be passionate and good at what you do, but we’re also looking for folks who have got the Konga Kulture — that is, who fit into our company culture.”
Konga.com is looking for guys to fill in the following positions:
- Inventory Manager
- HR Manager
- Executive Assistant
- Facilities Manager
- Stylist/Merchandiser
- Fashion Photographer
- Content Uploader
- Customer Representative
- Senior Returns Officer
- Senior Replacement Officer
- 2 Purchasing Analysts
- Business Process Analyst
- Finance Analyst
- SAP Core Developer
- IT Programme Manager
- IT Database Administrator (expert at using MySQL Databases)
If you are interested to be a part of the Konga.com team, simply follow Konga.com on Linkedin visit their website, and Facebook page and send your CV and cover letter briefly highlighting your skills and experience by email to careers@konga.com stating the role you are applying for in the subject header.