CEO Weekends:Spectranet Launches 4G LTE Wireless Internet In Nigeria

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Nigeria’s Internet Services Provider (ISP), Spectranet Limited has launched its 4G LTE Internet Wireless Broadband Network in the country, following the Federal Government’s  mandate requiring service providers operating in the country  to migrate to Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology, making Spectranet the first ISP to launch 4G LTE in the country.
According to Spectranet Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Atul Ojha: “Fourth Generation Long Term Evolution (4G LTE) technology will provide higher bandwidth delivery and allows customers to stream the movies, music, pictures, and much more, at faster speed than the WIMAX technology, which it hitherto operates.”

Ojha added the firm will migrate its customers  by cluster from WIMAX to the firm’s 4G LTE platform so as they enjoy high speed Internet speeds globally.

Spectranet’s Director, Ezekiel Fatoye said the firm is open to serve corporates and individuals beginning from Lagos, then Abuja and Ibadan, and subsequently spread across the country.

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