Nigeria’s Wants To Take On OLX Globally

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cropped-buy-or-sell-anything1Story by our new intern Kingsley Silas Chijioke: Thanks to technology and specifically ecommerce, buying of goods is no an issue as one can buy whatsover he or she wishes from anywhere in the world at any point in time. This really makes life easier. Location is never an issue when you see a product you want to buy, all you need is have the money and the necessary means of payment.

In a situation where you do not want to buy any product but actually do want to sell what then do you do? This is where Azumazu ( comes in!

Azumazu is an online marketplace for manufacturers, producers, suppliers, designers, service providers, retailers, sellers and buyers. It provides a common platform for sellers and buyers to meet and exchange goods and services.

According to the company overview on the company’s website, Azuamazu is a subsidiary of Cosmichub Africa, a young, vision-driven IT business based in Lagos Nigeria with partners in East and Southern Africa with clientele across various countries around the globe.

Some of its categories include; electronics, food and beverages, sporting goods as well as some which surprised me; real estate, jobs and education.

One remarkable thing about Azumazu is the choice given to its users to use their country’s currency, though the default currency is Dollar ($). This feature relieves the users the stress of having to do any currency conversion.

I think a lot more still has to be done by those behind this startup if they are to hit the wave in the ecommerce ecosystem and attract investors.

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