Sage South Africa Launches Sage HR Africa In An African Expanion Move

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Women in ITSage South Africa has launched Sage HR Africa in a continent wide expansion move.

The unit dubbed Sage HR Africa will be run by Sage VIP and Sage Pastel Payroll & HR’s international divisions.

According to Anton van Heerden, MD of Sage VIP and Sage Pastel Payroll & HR Sage VIP and Sage Pastel Payroll and HR will help the firm better leverage the Sage brand on the continent.

He said, “As a united force we believe we can be more successful on the continent by consolidating our infrastructure and developing a mutual business partner network.”

Sage HR Africa will be spread across over 35 African countries and will be in charge of providing HR and payroll management software and services. The unit will be headed by Gerhard Hartman, formerly head of the International Division at Sage VIP.

The unit will supply Sage Pastel Partner Payroll & HR for SME’s and Sage VIP Premier Payroll & HR for middle and large firms. The unit also promises its customers access to a dedicated call centre with expert advice.

Hartman said Sage HR Africa will partner with Sage ERP Africa and Sage Pastel Accounting in  a new Lagos, Nigeria.

He added:“We appreciate the importance of having a local presence and employing local people. We look forward to working with the rest of the Sage South Africa team to strengthen our position on the continent even further.”

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