Mobile health service is not a new thing in Africa and in fact it is increasing. Voxiva a mobile health information service has announced that it has sent out more than 100 million text since its inception in 2001.
The company operates the service in 17 countries globally including Africa. Rwanda has the highest number of users in Africa having over 100,000 texts sent out.
Voxiva has evolved from its early days to offer a wide range of consumer facing digital health services, delivering personalized health information via text messaging, mobile web and mobile app interfaces. The company was founded in 2001 with the simple idea that health care can be transformed on a broad scale by leveraging mobile devices.
“At Voxiva, we are working to create a world where every person is as healthy as they can be. And we believe that our unique approach, and your cell phone, can help reach that goal. The one hundred million health messages we have delivered to moms, parents, people living with diabetes, even smokers, are moving us toward that vision. And most importantly, research results are demonstrating that the health of our users is improving,” says Paul Meyer, Chairman and President of Voxiva.
Services such as health, entertainment and other informational services have made it to the mobile gadget, making it easy for users to get relevant information.
Do you use any information based text service and how does it assist in getting information?