Huawei Connects Over 18,000 Youth To Internet In Angola

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The logo of the Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is seen outside its headquarters in Shenzhen, Guangdong province

Students in Angola now have a new reason to enjoy school as Huawei and Angola’s Ministry Of Education partner to launch e-net, a project to connect schools to the internet.

“The objective of this project is to promote bridging of digital divide among Angola youth, at the same time enhancing research and development in ICT leading to localized innovations.’  Said Mr. Leon Liu, Director at Huawei Technologies Angola Representative office.

This project is expected to benefit over 18,000 youth in the 18 prvinces in the country. In the first phase, Bie, Cabinda, Luanda, Benguela, Kwanza Norte, Malanje, Huambo, Uige, and Huila were connected. The provinces expected to be covered in the second phase include  Zaire, Moxico, Kubango, Kwanza Sul, Bengo, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Namibe and Cunene.

The major things that will enhance Africa’s connectivity will include Investment in infrastructure, competitive internet pricing, and enabling regulatory enviroment. Internet World Stats said that by the end of June 2012 Angola internet users added up to 2,976,657 forming a 14.8 percent penetration of the country’s population which translates to Africa’s 1.8 percent internet users.Initiatives such as the E-net project are key in increasing the country’s connectivity and internet usage.


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