Are You Prepared For The New iPad

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October 22nd it the date to mark, that is if you are a gadget and technology fan, as Apple is set in unveiling the new iPad as well as other Mac offering.

The grapevine says that the new device will be lighter and thinner than the predecessor. The specs of the tablet expected is said to have an improved camera and will use Apple’s new 64-bit A7 chip, which can also be found in the iPhone 5s.

The device is said to have the Retina Display and powered by the A7 chip, well, now that it will use some of the features that the iPhone 5s has, it is yet to be established if the device will have the Touch ID fingerprint sensor which is on the iPhone.

Whether the tablet will be the iPhone 5s in a bigger size or has new features that surpass the current iPad is yet to seen and criticized, lets leave all this for 22nd October.

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