Voice of the Underground Wants to be a Platform For Africa’s Unknown Hiphop Musicians

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VOTUFounded in Kenya in 2008 by the Ghetto to Ghetto Foundation to promote music, Voice of the Underground (VOTU) is an online radio and TV platform giving unknown hiphop musicians chance to showcase their work regardless of their location or country.

The team say that they were inspired by the tendecies of Kenyan media which in those days played music discrimnatively avoiding some artists or producers. They realized it was phenomena across the continent.

VOTU now boasts of serving artists from across Africa, and from the world. They have also moved from just music streaming to production of programmes to the portal.

Currently they are working with partners like Kuna Vijana, Inuka Kenya (Ni Sisi), Audio Kusini, Ufuoni Records, Kenyatta University radio, KGNU radio Colorado (USA), Revoda Mobile Apps (Nigeria), TZHiphop, among others.

TechMoran will bring you an exclusive interview with them soon.

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