Energy Journalism Awards (EJEA) Has Been Launched In Kenya

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From left to Right: Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Geothermal Development Company Dr.Silas Simiyu, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Rural Electrification Authority Ng’ang’a Munyu, Acting Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer KenGen Eng.Simon Ngure,Principal Secretary Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Eng.Joseph Njoroge and Acting Director General Energy Regulatory Commission Dr.Fredrick Nyang’  just before toasting to the launch of Energy Journalism Excellence Awards.
From left to Right: Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Geothermal Development Company Dr.Silas Simiyu, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Rural Electrification Authority Ng’ang’a Munyu, Acting Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer KenGen Eng.Simon Ngure,Principal Secretary Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Eng.Joseph Njoroge and Acting Director General Energy Regulatory Commission Dr.Fredrick Nyang’ just before toasting to the launch of Energy Journalism Excellence Awards.


Energy journalism Awards has been launched in Kenya’s capital Nairobi.

Organized by the ministry of Energy and Petroleum and utilities under the ministry, the award is looking to ensure that Kenyans are well informed about the industry as well as major projects planned both for accountability and support for the citizens.

The awards seek to promote accurate and comprehensive coverage of energy matters in the country. Journalists from all platforms have until end of January 2014 to submit entries which will be judged and winners announced in March.

The launch was officiated by Kenya’s Principal Secretary in the ministry, Eng. Joseph Njoroge. He noted that recent happenings in the sector had raised energy’s stakes even higher.

“With discovery of commercial oil reserves and the deliberate plans by the government to generate over 5000MW of electricity over the next forty months, the energy sector will greatly improve the economic performance of our  country”, noted the PS.  “Provision of modern energy always mirrors the economic performance of any country in the world. As Kenya takes major steps in availing more modern energy, the impact on the economy will certainly be felt. Since energy tends to be a technical subject, we must partner with the media to break it down so that we can move together as a people”.

Speaking during the launch, Acting KenGen CEO Eng. Simon Ngure said there is need for all Kenyans and energy stakeholders to keep abreast and be adequately informed on the development of energy resources in the country.

“The ambitious power plans by the government aim at giving Kenyans quality and affordable electricity and hence deserve support by all”, said Ngure.

The awards categories will focus on various energy sub themes such as energy policy and regulation, efficiency and green initiatives, petroleum, electricity and power distribution. Other categories will focus on rural electrification initiatives, energy finance and community relation stories on energy matters.

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