We now shift gears today from your mobile phone to the internet, or should I say ‘IT stuff’ like the ordinary person will say.
Some words that are still puzzling people include:
- Cyber security- this are measures or technology procedures that are intended to protect computers, networks and data from unauthorized access or any other attacks that happen through the internet by cyber criminals.
Who are this cyber criminals and what is cybercrime.
- Cyber crime- This is an illegal action that is performed through computers as well as other internet devices, e.g. hacking (trying to break a code to access sealed information). Apart from hacking other cyber crimes include identity theft, hate speeches/crimes, telemarketing and internet fraud, credit card account theft. Well, of course cyber criminals are those that perform those actions.
- Cloud computing- This can be describe as connecting a significant number of computers through a communication network at the same time. One could say that cloud computing, also known as Cloud technology, uses a network base provided by real server hardware which is simulated by software running on one or more devices. This hardware are however not physically available so they can be moved around everywhere and anywhere; that’s why is called cloud.