Homeland ended its third season last year with bleak and brutal finale ‘The Star’, which culminated in the show’s most shocking twist to date.
‘Homeland’: Saul, Carrie, Peter and Brody
After spending most of the season as a fugitive, Brody was publicly executed in Iran after completing his mission for the CIA.
Brody has been a divisive character for the last two seasons, and his death has proved no less polarizing. Many viewers have declared that they will never watch the show again, while others have celebrated the opportunity for Homeland to reinvent itself going into its 4th season.
We wants to hear your views. Was killing off Brody the right move for Homeland?? Will the absence of such a pivotal character give the show a much-needed creative shakeup, or cripple it beyond repair? And while we’re at it, do you believe that he’s really dead?