Rocket Internet’s Lamudi Celebrates Rising Women in Technology

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lamudi womenToday, being International Women’s Day, our friends at Lamudi,  a Rocket Internet start-up in Germany’s tech hub Berlin with operations around the world’s emerging markets and over a 50% female workforce, with three female Directors are celebrating the rise of women in tech.

Berlin, with its flourishing tech scene has become one of the world’s tech hotspots and female leaders are right at the forefront of this innovative movement. Within Silicon Allee, the German capital’s thriving start-up community, women are now starting to lead the way.

Lamudi alone boasts three female Managing Directors worldwide, as well as three Directors located in their Berlin HQ. More than half of their workforce in Berlin is also female.

Malen Gomez, Head of SEO at Lamudi, says the industry has developed enormously over the past 10 years. “The tech industry has changed so much over the last decade that now it isn’t rare at all to see a woman heading up global teams in this field. My role within Lamudi shows the huge potential for females within the world of start-ups,” she says.

While the tech arena is still a man’s world, there is no question that women are gaining ground in the industry. From industry leaders like Julia Kaganskiy, the editor-at-large for VICE magazine’s The Creators Project, to Twitter engineer Sara Haider, women are making their mark on this growing sector. There are countless others who not only lead the way in making female voices heard within the tech community, but who have also taken an innovative approach to the industry as a whole.

Jacqueline van den Ende, Founder and Managing Director of Lamudi Philippines (, says women can bring something different to the table in the tech sector. “I feel that we particularly excel in creating a motivated and collaborative company culture. Paying attention to people before targets helps to create a team in which every single person is the best he or she can be. As a woman in a male-dominated setting I often feel you are in a position of strength rather than weakness,” she says.

“I love being a woman,” says Katy Campbell, Lamudi’s Global Public Relations Director. “Being a woman at the top is such a fantastic opportunity to inspire everyone around me to climb up the career ladder. I’ve always looked up to strong women as a way to encourage myself to be better; be stronger. The range of females who inspire me is so vast, from Arianna Huffington to Sheryl Sandberg. Being an inspirational woman doesn’t mean being at the top, it means being happy, being you, being great.”

Founded in 2013 and available in Algeria, Bangladesh, Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Tunisia and in Uganda, Lamudi is real estate marketplace for  sellers, buyers, landlords and renters the ideal platform to find homes, land and commercial properties online.

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