South Africa’s Capsule Technology To Create An Android Desktop Computer

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The Android technology is about to be taken to a whole new level as Capsule technology, based in Cape Town wants to develop an Android desktop computer.

Franck Martinaux, Technical Director and Chief Technology Officer of Capsule Technologies, says the computer, currently in development aims, to reduce the technology gap that is wide-spread in Africa, especially in rural areas.

“This computers have been developed to answer the specific needs of Africa, such as the lack of Infrastructure such as Electricity and Telecommunication, but also the availability of brand new spare parts for computers,” he said.

The Android computer, Codenamed 20W, only uses 20 watts of electricity (yes only 20 watts) this mean one can use it on solar power.

In terms of features, the unit has built-in wireless MESH networking to create community networks between computers. It is possible that recycled parts from e-waste could be used to assemble and create common components, such as keyboards and monitors.

The 20W will be powered by Android 4.x, which according to Martinaux, opens the door to new possibilities and development.

“In addition to the wireless MESH software layer, we are developing layers for better desktop usage, including printer drivers, scanner drivers and burning CD drivers,” he said.

Although the 20W is a recognized project by World Design Capital 2014, it still needs funding.

“The project is not funded so far, the future of 20W is in users’ hands since we are using, a crowd-funding platform. Thundafund is based on the same principle as Kickstarter, but is a 100 percent African solution – donation from anywhere in the world are possible.”

The company said that it needs about $7000 to purchase development boards and equipment for Research & Development.

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