Kenyan Government To Issue Electronic System To Mann The Country’s Development Progress

Siaya County Governor Cornell Rasanga during giving his key note address the Second Medium Term Plan dissemination forum at the Siaya Agricultural Training Centre. The ministry of Devolution and planning is undertaking a countrywide sensitization exercise to strengthen the capacity of county officials on how to make the Vision 2030 a reality.
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Siaya County Governor Cornell Rasanga during giving his key note address the Second Medium Term Plan dissemination forum at the Siaya Agricultural Training Centre.  The ministry of Devolution and planning is undertaking a countrywide sensitization exercise to strengthen the capacity of county officials on how to make the Vision 2030 a reality.
Siaya County Governor Cornell Rasanga during giving his key note
address the Second Medium Term Plan dissemination forum at the Siaya
Agricultural Training Centre. The ministry of Devolution and planning
is undertaking a countrywide sensitization exercise to strengthen the
capacity of county officials on how to make the Vision 2030 a reality.

The government of Kenya is developing a national electronic monitoring and evaluation framework to update the public about the progress made in the implementation of the 2013- 2017 Medium Term Plan (MTP).

Ministry of Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary, Anne Waiguru, said the monitoring system will enable Kenyans track the development progress report in real time. In her speech read by planning Principle Secretary Eng. Peter Mangiti during the launch of dissemination forum for the Second MTP at the Siaya agricultural Training Centre, she said the platform will enhance a system of checks and balances in as far as implementation of the plan is concerned.

“The new approach will enable access to progress in real time and also hold project planners and implementers accountable to the public as the constitution requires” she said.

The Cabinet Secretary said the consultative forums which were rolled out across the country starting today were geared towards empowering and strengthening the capacity of the county governments on how to prepare and implement the Integrated County Strategic Plan (ICSP). She called on the need for consistency between the County and the National planning to ensure that they were aligned with the government expenditures.

Mangiti said the ministry of devolution and planning has under this plan outlined an implementation framework to guide the counties prepared their County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) in line with thePublic Finance Management act (2012).

“The Ministry of devolution and planning will publish Annual Progress reports (APRs) on the implementation of the second MTP of Vision 2030 to promote efficiency and accountability in the process” he added.

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