Millicom’s Tigo Tanzania Partners with Facebook for Free Acess

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tigo-1.jpgMillicom’s Tigo Tanzania has partnered with Facebook to launch free access to the social network on their mobile handsets. Facebook also launched Facebook service in Kiswahilií today.

The firms partnered on a similar service in Latin America in December 2013 and have extended their partnership with the launch Tigo Tanzania’s and East Africa’s first-ever free service for mobile customers using Facebook applications and mobile website.

In a statement, Millicom’s President and CEO, Hans-Holger Albrecht, said “Facebook has been a real driver of data on mobile networks. By extending this unique partnership to Africa, we are giving people another reason to connect through Tigo and providing many customers with their first taste of the internet and social media, including in Kiswahili.”

The deal is expected at driving more data uptake as Tigo’s 6 million customers won’t incur any charges to Facebook and Messenger through their handsets.

The Tigo Tanzania partnership is part of Facebook’s move to see the two-thirds of the world who are not yet connected to get online.

Chris Daniels,’s Vice President of Product commented, “We’re excited to be working with Tigo again to bring more people online, giving them exposure to the many benefits of connectivity. We think that widespread access to free basic services will help accelerate the adoption of the internet and we’re committed to working with partners like Tigo on new models that grow subscribers and revenue.”


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