Tickets are now available for the PIVOT East 2014 finalists pitching conference at $200 per delegate in which, some 25 mobile startups from across the region will pitch at the conference which will be held on 24th – 25th June at the Panari Hotel.
This year’s conference will attract a rich audience of 200 to 250 people including investors industry players, government players and development partners.
In keeping with tradition, each of the 25 startups will have seven minutes to pitch on stage and another seven minutes to field questions from a panel of judges. this pitching sessions will be sequenced according to the five competition categories. each category will have its own panel of judges who will be mostly investors. one startup per category will win funding from m:lab East Africa and other syndicating investors. all the startups may also enter into direct investment conversations with individual investors.
Pitching by the 25 finalists will be punctuated by short fireside chat panels discussing some of the top issues in East African startup scene. panelists at the fireside chats have been chosen to maximize the depth of insights contributed by opinion diversity.
Themes for the scheduled fireside chats include synergies between developer communities and corporates in mobile technology, the relationship between innovation, entrepreneurship and the economy, in addition to comparing the startup ecosystem in East Africa to other successful ecosystems, the size and quality of the deal pipeline for tech investments in East Africa.
The conference program is designed to facilitate maximum interaction and networking between startup founders, investors and other industry players. it includes networking breakds where delegates will interact with startups and their products at the Demo Pit. Deegates will also get a chance to get updates on new trends in the tech and startup industry as they interacti with Pivot’s selected sponsors at their stations.
Short presentations will also be mmade by key speakers to pinpoint several topical issues in the East African startup and tech ecosystems. the 2014 version of PIVOT East conference will be the fourth edition as it has been held annually since 2011. the ruthless timekeeping and high energy tradition of PIVOT will be maintained among other aspects that make it a unique conference for pundits and key actors in the statup scene. This year the award ceremony will be in the afternoon of 25th June. this is a slight break away from tradition where the award ceremony was held in the night of the second day.
Tickets to the conference are worth $200 and are available online. Payments can be made using mobile money in Kenya as well as credit card. the online payment will be processed by payment aggregator Pesapal.
To purchase tickets, contact Egra Ombati on Tel 0720669697.