ICT solutions provider Huawei Technologies has signed a three year MOU with Kenya’s Communication Technology Authority (ICTA) to build ICT in Kenya.
Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of ICT Dr.Fred Matiang’i, The Chinese Ambassador Mr. Liu Xianfa and the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of ICT Mr.Joseph Tiampati attended the event. The two CEO’s of Huawei, Mr.Dean Yu and ICT Authority Mr. Victor Kyalo cosigned the MOU.
The two will work together on capacity building, infrastructure and devices, ICT advisory and joint CSR initiatives.
Under capacity building, the partnership will promote ICT literacy and awareness in academic institutions, the government and the general public. Regular workshops will be set to expose different groups to technologies that impact socio-economic development. The team will target areas in which there is little ICT literacy in a bid to connect more and more people to enjoy the benefits of technology.
The agreement has also incorporated a program under Huawei’s CSR initiative “Telecom Seeds for the future” which focuses on nurturing and empowering students to be technology leaders of tomorrow. The two entities will target academic institutions to transfer knowledge to the students. The program will target 100 students during the agreed period that will go through internship, training, mentorship and work experience and the top interns will even be taken to site visits to China and the headquarters of Huawei. To fulfill the agenda of the master plan, Huawei will employ he exceptional students to join their work force.
Huawei Technologies will be part of a team which will assist ICTA to monitor the implementation of the National ICT Masterplan and be an advisory to the Ministry. ICTA has called upon the private sector to work together to successfully implement the masterplan.
Huawei will work together with ICTA to implement the agreed upon responsibilities which we believe will contribute towards realizing the development and growth of ICT as an industry. ”We remain committed to offering our expertise and global experience in contributing towards the National ICT Master plan,” said Dean Yu, Chief Executive Officer Huawei Technologies Kenya.
The government of Kenya rolled out a government digital transformation program for 2014-2016 geared towards tackling the lack of knowledge among Kenyans when it comes to important aspects of governance. Under this program various ICT tools/mechanisms will be used. Through the collaboration, Huawei Technologies is dedicated to bridging the digital divide and will therefore leverage on its devices to aid in accomplishing the governments’ goals.
Huawei says it has contributed over Kshs 160 million towards various initiatives like knowledge transfer and Telecom Seeds for the future.