iHub Nairobi Partners with a Local University to Up Research & Innovation

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iHub-NairobiKenya’s iHub and JKUAT (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology) have signed an MOU in a move to stir innnovation in the country.

According to iHub’s Executive Director Josiah Mugambi announcing the development in a blog post,”With a shared goal of developing people, research and local innovation, especially through technology entrepreneurship, this MoU provides a strong platform off of which we anticipate a great many various shared activities and projects will spring forth. We believe African innovators are best placed to solve Africa’s challenges and we hope this partnership will exponentially increase the number of innovators, researchers and entrepreneurs in the Kenyan tech space who have the necessary ability, ambitious, tenaciousness to seek solutions for the challenges faced across the Global South and beyond.”

Mugambi added that the MOU aims at seeing developing groundbreaking user experience and research work, innovative products, and growth of local talent in the country. This will spur tech in the country and take it to another level.

iHub, named as one of Africa’s innovative compnaies is the first tech space in Kenya and behind global innovations suh as Ushahidi, a crisis mapping platform and BRCK, an internet backup generator developed in-house. iHub has also been behind the success of startups like Kopo Kopo, girl group Akirachix , eLimu, among others.

The aprtnership with JKUAT will see the students get access to nurturing and mentorship from iHub’s world-class innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem; help the students adress the challenges and influence them advance innovation in Africa.

JKUAT hosts numerous tech-focused events where students pitch to industry stakeholders and academicians, this partnership also opens their innovations to the iHub community and the entire tech ecosystem in the country.

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