Xbox One game console to land in China and South Africa in September

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Microsoft estimates that over 104 million broadband subscribers will soon access its Xbox One game console following a partnership with mobile carrier China Telecom.

Microsoft Xbox One

China Telecom will be Microsoft’s sole partner in bringing in the Xbox One to China in September as it starts selling the console to consumers who subscribe to its broadband service. The agreement is a possible boon for both Microsoft and China Telecom.

“The exact date for the launch and price of the console is yet to be fixed,” said China Telecom spokesperson.

China has banned sales of foreign-made consoles for 13 years now claiming that the devices caused damaged to the children’s mental health. However, several consoles found their way into the customers’ hands through the black market. Once the ban was lifted in January, Microsoft wanted a way of financially tapping into possible gamers in China.

Within the US, the Xbox One with Kinect is sold at $500. In a bid to drive sales, Microsoft released in June a Kinect-less version of the console with a price tag of $400.

According to Reuters, the Xbox One will be the first gaming console to be introduced in China since the ban was lifted. Other reports indicate that Microsoft is working together with Bes TV New Media, which is Chinese Internet TV set-top box maker, to make the consoles in Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone.

Microsoft corporate VP Yusuf Mehdi stated in April that launching Xbox One in China would be an important milestone for them and the industry.

Earlier this month, Microsoft said it plans to launch Xbox One on September 23, 2014 in South Africa.

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