DJ Afro Movies Lead As Urban Kenya’s Preferred Home Cinema Collection

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Tired of watching Eastern, Western or old action movies while reading subtitles simultaneously? Using simple technology, DJ Afro Amingos, Kenyan translator cum commentator has mastered the art of keeping viewers glued to the screen without butting an eyelid, inspiring others to follow the trend.

Back then, English movies were merely translated into Swahili. Today, taking the notch higher, DJ Afro’s movie collection translated in Swahili – and a touch of Kikuyu and Swahili slang are now not only selling like hot cakes in up market neighborhoods but are each generating at least 40,000 views on Youtube.

Indeed, translating movies into English can take hours and can be a taxing venture, as professional transcribers have to translate word for word in each movie. However, DJ Afro’s tactics are simple, thanks to the entertainment found in his interpretation skills than from the movie. All one needs to do is to buy the rights of the movie watch it, and get the theme.

Then using sound equipment such as Pioneer’s DJM-900 nexus digital mixers mostly used by DJ performers, or a H4n audio recorder, the DJ takes the role. An ideal combination with Pioneer’s CDJ line of players, the DJM-900nexus comes with a multitude of new features which includes a variety of onboard effects, increased sound quality, and direct PC connection to enable any DJ to perform to their utmost potential.

And while watching each scene and then combining his audio translation and the visuals of the movie, a DJ does the voice over. And with much creativity and charisma, the DJ translates the movie scene by scene using Africa’s oral narrative way of telling stories. In the beginning, he describes the scene in local Swahili language. Then, in raunchy or romantic scenes, he adds a touch of Kikuyu and Swahili Slang, thus capturing viewer’s attention.

“I loved your movies DJ back then in Kenya coz of my younger bro who was and is still addicted to them I miss those movies so much,” notes Winnie, commenting on DJ Afro’s movies on Youtube.

However, the challenges the translated movies face is that they lack other special effects such as the stereo sound effect.

In all, while the current cinema line up in Kenya includes movies like romance, action, adventure and thriller movies like “Kick”, in the next few months, don’t be surprised if the likes of DJ Afro does his thing of unleashing the latest transcribed movie versions.

DJ Afro’s Facebook page generating close to 50,000 likes can be viewed here.

For a movie review on Youtube follow this link


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