Huawei Launches LTE Smart Grid Solution

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ICT solutions provider, Huawei has unveiled its leading LTE smart grid solution for electricity grids.

Huawei says that the eLTE smart grid solution is based on the most advanced 4G wireless communication technology and enables power operators to build efficient communications networks for their power grids.

The company said that the power distribution is often widely distributed to accommodate electrical power feeds to dense cities and rural communities. Instant communication systems and reliable power infrastructure maintenance is vital for efficient production and distribution of electricity.

“Technologies such as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) are also important because it provides greater accuracy in meter reading and reduces the amount of manual labour required, to improve personnel safety,” said the ICT company.

Huawei indicated that the smart grid solution provides Distribution Automation (DA) and AMI backhaul as well as value-added services such as trunking dispatch, video surveillance, and mobile platforms.

“Its support to GIS location services simplifies operations and enables quick and convenient dispatching. Grid operators can now shorten unplanned power outages, decrease line loss, and improve power quality and ultimately improve consumer satisfaction.”

With throughput of up to 100Mbit/s downlink and up to 50Mbit/s uplink, Huawei stated that the solution allows for easy expansion of distribution automation terminals, as one cell is able to support up to 1,000 terminals.

“Huawei’s eLTE smart grid solution provides multiple levels of redundant backup, at the board, network element, and network levels, to ensure high security and reliability,” said the company. “It also supports flexible bandwidth configuration and frequency customization for better adaptation to available spectrum in different areas.”

Currently, its ICT products and solutions have been deployed by more than 160 power companies around the world.

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