Algerie Telecom now boasts 250 LTE-enabled sites in operation

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Algerie Telecom (AT) now has more than 250 base transceiver stations (BTS) that can support fixed wireless Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology for 100, 00 customers General Manager Azouaou Mehmel has revealed.

According to the  El Moudjahid news source, there are two 4G-enabled BTS in each of the country’s 48 wilayas (provinces) and plans are in motion to expand LTE in remote and unreached areas.

Mehmel added that the company has so far signed up  80,000 LTE subscribers since inception of  the technology.

In a previous interview with Algerie Press Service (APS)  the executive had intimated that commercial LTE technology would be introduced by the end of 2013, and that business customers would be the initial target group because of the high cost.

It was not until  May 2014 before the 4G network was introduced commercially to business users.

LTE    There are plans to install 2,000 LTE-enabled BTS by end-2015.

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