Another taxi hailing app to launch in Kenya

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wapigoEven though most guys (and girls) are still getting to know and trust and fall in love with Uber which launched just recently. Another taxi hailing app is set to launch in Nairobi.

WapiGo-coined from Swahili word ‘Wapi’ for where to and the English word ‘Go’ WapiGo means where are you going and wants to take Nairobians to wherever they want to go-easily and safely.

The guys at WapiGo say there service brings an ”ideal transport experience, taking you wherever you want to go, on your demand. With WapiGo, your ride is now safe and reliable, and we give you the option to choose your ride, based on your preference.”

To use WapiGo as a passenger, one will need to download the app on their smartphone. Register their details if they are using it the first time and then send a request, wait for a reponse telling them their taxi will arrive in a few minutes then once it has arrived they board and go.

WapiGo is also recruiting drivers to add to what it says a growing fleet. Drivers send WapiGo their details, the firm then calls the driver for an interview after verification of their details then  that’s it. WapiGo says it aims to change the taxi experience in Nairobi for good. We hope it will have it the money to do free rides likes its competitors Uber and Easy Taxi have been doing. WapiGo also faces stiff challenges from normal taxi drivers if it decides to go with some of the branded cars in its fleet.

WapiGo is presently available for Android smartphones only. WapiGo is a product of Lompang, a service and app that let’s users in Singapore share scooters. We don’t know how this guys will transfer their scooter experience to cabs but we hope it all works out for WapiGo, an instant web-app facilitating a community of friendly, peer-rated drivers and passengers connect to get around town.


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