Launched in August 2014, the DISF is a partnership between the Western Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism and the Technology Innovation Agency. The 12 were the best out of the 151 other applications that applied into the project.
Other winners include:
Pro Project Engineering: A bag-packing machine which aims to end folding and packing by automatically folding bags into a box ready for shipping.
PURIS: a biotech firm that aims to manufacture Soloton; a natural aroma compound to be used in fragrances.
Sea Monster: an innovation that combines animations, games and AR to enrich SA education for kids.
ASHTECH: Building iComply– an end-to-end mobile solution to help industries be food safety compliance.
iMobiMaMa: A mobile innovation that aims to improve access to women’s health and reproductive services.
Forge Technologies: Building Intelleapp– a rewards-based math and physical science game for high school students.
Nervedata: A smart device that tracks, monitors and measures key operational data in a business.
Ajax Manufacturing: Making pole climbing shoes from a highly resistant aluminium product than the present ones made from forged and welded iron.
Sicame: a Solar Disconnector that allows disconnection from a distance and the earthing of the panels.
Eco-Equilibrium: Solar pool cleaner/skimmer that has a PV solar panel, water pump and floating pod that harnesses the power of the sun.
Stroketech: Bone conduction headsets for real time communication and audio for swimmers and extreme water sport athletes.