CA board seeking new director-general as Wangusi’s term expires in August

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Francis WangusiAlthough well known among technology, broadcasting stakeholders in the country and across the larger East Africa, Communications Authority Director General Francis Wangusi became a house hold name in the country when he persistently, coherently and intelligently defended the digital migration process.

With debate after debate the CA boss was able to bring forth the governments position and ultimately steer the country towards digital migration. This is among other accomplishments he can boast of during his time at the helm of the government agency.

Now his tenure is set to end in August and the board has already advertised his position, seeking a new director- general; setting the stage for intense lobbying and vetting for the position.

“The authority is seeking to recruit a highly competent, proactive and self-driven individual to fill the position of the director general. The director general shall be the chief executive officer and secretary to the board of the authority and shall bear the responsibility for the day to day management of the authority,” read the advert.

Wangusi has held the position for three years after since his appointment on August 21 2013 and is eligible for yet another term although this time he will go for four years under the new Kenya Information and Communications Act, which became law in 2013.

At the moment, Wangusi has been sent home on leave as the board awaits to hire the new DG.

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