iAfrikan unveils tool to help fight Xenophobia

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ReportX Facebook Instagram PosterRecent Xenophobic attacks in SouthAfrica have sent shockwaves all across Africa and the world with reactions streaming in from leaders and fellow Africans.

iAfrikan has decided to help curb the vice by launching a tool allowing the public to submit various reports relating to xenophobic attacks via SMS (Active later this week), Twitter, E-mail or through our website: ReportXenophobia.co.zaThe platform allows the public to report/view incidents of Xenophobia in South Africa. Whether potential or historical, let’s report these incidents. The information can be used by others to avoid danger and for quicker response from the police (any urgent reports will be passed onto the police

“We’ll be sending reports (after double checking and verifying them) to the South African Police Services Headquarters (and any other law enforcement agencies we engage with) to see if any further steps need to be taken and to help stop these xenophobic attacks.”

“If this resonates with you, help us by spreading the message so those who could be in potential danger can be helped and perpetrators arrested. I have attached two posters you can share via E-mail and Social Media,” said iAfrikan in a statement.

For details on how to report  through the website or phone, one should visit our website. Also, feel free to distribute information about reporting on the platform to your networks and communities.

“We believe the reports submitted will assist others in avoiding potentially dangerous areas and also help to make law enforcement more efficient,” said Peter Peele, Co-Founder, iAfrikan

“All these events (xenophobic attacks) are criminal activities by criminals who are predisposed to attacking people based on their nationality. It is sad, as such we have decided to take action in getting closer to stopping these xenophobic attacks by launching ReportXenophobia.co.za, said  “Tefo Mohapi, Co-Founder, iAfrikan

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