Phishing Service Makes Stealing a Password Easy as Pie

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Phishing a new method of stealing passwords is growing steady fast and several email and general account users are cautioned to be careful when inputting their personal information. A fake but realistic login page is setup, and being an unsuspecting user, you can accidentally sign in, and reveal your password and private information to third parties. This is not just a simplistic feature your girlfriend can use to get access to your private files, but a legit money making operation. In fact some entrepreneurs in Russia offer phishing as a freemium service.


According to research this method of business has been around for a bit more than a year, and is called “Fake-Game” a platform that makes stealing passwords easier than sharing links. During this time, sixty thousand of its active users have managed to steal about 700,000 passwords.


Instead of going through the hefty process of creating a fake login page themselves, users can choose what service they’d like to intercept and copy the website URL, which once shared with a victim, will recreate fairly persuasive login pages. The users then receive a notification once the victim falls for the bait, and just like that, easy access into one’s account.


How do people make money using this platform? Stolen passwords and credentials can be sold from $0.015 to $15.39 USD. Subscriptions can also be made for $3.50 a month or $7.12 for three, which allows you to access stolen accounts appropriated by free users.


Interestingly, the company like any other world class organization provides spot on customer service, advising possible criminals on the way forward when they have an inquiry or are experiencing any issues.


This is definitely scary; it’s recommended that you take precaution and ensure the safety of any of your accounts.  You can make a verification that your login pages are what they appear by making a habit of always checking the URL before continuing to key in your password. Enable two-factor verification on every site that offers it. Also regularly change your passwords, as much of a hustle as it may be, so nothing can be used against you. Keep your private information isolated and secure.

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