YouTube Creators Can Finally Connect With Their Audience through the New YouTube Community

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Ever wanted to connect with your audience without publishing a video? Well if your answer is yes you can finally do so with a new introduced community tab.

This will be used as a platform for discussions between creators and viewers. A notification system will also be put up for viewers to stay up to date with the latest updates of their subscribed channel.

The new community tab is currently being tested with 12 channels on YouTube. The company said that after some time they will release an improved version to more channels in the coming months.

Creators can finally interact with their audience and not leave them out from any experiences. This new idea is almost the same as any other social media platform as it will allow creators to share photos, text messages, gifts and even live videos with their subscribers. It will save creators a lot of time as they will now be able to send announcements more easily through the new tab.

This new creation is right next to the Home, Videos and playlist tabs. Users on the community channel will be able to enable notifications for posts allowing users to stay up to date with any new announcements made or content uploaded.

This has been a smart move for the YouTube Company as it gives users no reason to use other social media platforms. The need to constantly make announcements on platforms like Facebook and Twitter has been eliminated.  So far the tab is available on desktop and the latest version of android and IOS.

Although this new production is mainly for creators, it will also be an encouragement for future creators. This will probably be one of the best inventions that allow people to have channels and spread their ideologies faster than having a page on Instagram or Twitter.

The new startup will permit channel owners to also know what they should improve on; it will be an open forum for criticism while being sure to receive feedback from the owners. If by any chance you own a YouTube channel please be sure to join a community. Use YouTube video downloader to download any YouTube content for free!

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