Solid Insight is a one-stop solution to manage resource use in buildings. It connects energy and water meters and other sensors in buildings and reliably brings that data to the web where it can be used to powerful effect. The interface allows users to create live dashboards presented in a clear and understandable format. From here, resource use may be controlled. By making energy and water management as easy as internet banking, stakeholders are able to easily understand and reduce resource use.
Whether used as a live dashboard in a building foyer, for carbon emissions reporting or to manage distributed solar production, Solid Insight brings energy and water data to the age of cloud computing.
They provide an easy to use admin dashboard where users can link any scada metering systems installed in the building to their database and manage their live metering charts. Pulled metering data is stored in their database and manipulated in background processes to provide speedy, live and customizable graphical representations of the building’s water and energy usage for tenant and public display, avoiding ugly metering hardware APIs, and the need to develop per building systems able to translate metering data.
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