Rooting your Android phone may seem cool, but here’s why you shouldn’t still do it

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Rooting, as of now, should definitely not be a new or strange term to any Android smartphone user and more often than not, majority of users are caught in between the “Should I or Should I not root my phone” web.

While rooting isn’t totally advised by phone manufacturers because it is an exploration of a security hole in your device (and could damage it), some users believe the manufacturer only have a say on the price of a device, and not how they use the devices after purchase or what they use it for.

Rooting is an exciting thing to do. I mean, it is another way of gadget exploration and testing the limits of your smartphone… and it could be fun. But you have got to ask, is the fun worth the harm and dangers that rooting poses to your device? Those the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of rooting?

Let’s have a look at some of the dangers and disadvantages of rooting your Android smartphones then you be the judge.

disadvantages of rooting

Disadvantages of rooting your Android phone

You lose post-purchase benefits

This can be simply put as losing device warranty. As you know it, warranty is a back up plan. Like insurance; but without premium. Should in case anything bad happen to your device after a specified period (usually fixed by the device manufacturer), you can get your phone repaired for free, or even get a new one for a swap. But guess what. If you have a rooted device, you don’t get to enjoy the benefits of free repair or device change irrespective of if your device falls within the warranty period or not.

However, you may be lucky to own a device that can be unrooted. You can easily do a reversal of the rooting process and good thing is, not a single trace of previous rooting will be left behind.

You may end up smartphone-less

You read that right, you may end up not owning a smartphone anymore. Let’s say in the process of rooting your device (especially through PC), something goes sideways and your phone goes off… and doesn’t come back on.

You may want to take it back to the manufacturer for repair but remember, as said above, warranty doesn’t cover the device any more, hence additional cost. Plus there’s no guarantee that the device will come back on.

Though the chances of killing your device when rooting is slim, but it is very much possible.

Relapse of poor device performance

Several individuals who have rooted their smartphones in the past did so with the intention of having a device that runs faster and smoother but after a while, a device with even poorer performance was reportedly the end result.

Increased exposure to virus attack

It is believed that rooting your smartphone implements some changes to the code of your device software. This is also thought to grant easy access to several viruses since the inherent security system of your device has been tampered with.

There they are. The disadvantages of rooting your Android phone. So it is now up to you to make the decision. Are you willing to sacrifice your device overall safety for the meagre benefits of customization and broader access for the above risks? It’s your choice to make.

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