2018 is well underway, and hopefully you’ve experienced success and financial gains in the past few months. However, with so much of the year to come, it’s time to look at how you can refine your business processes and make the next 8 months even more productive. Consider integrating some of the following tools into your business this year and watch your bottom line increase.
- Accounting Software
Organizing and streamlining your accounting efforts is worth the time and money. The best accounting software solutions are designed to help you tackle simple bookkeeping tasks automatically, freeing up your time to handle more pressing needs. Many accounting software solutions also incorporate business plan features that can help you apply for loans or lines of credit—crucial for expansion. Pick a software that provides easy (but secure) access to important bank information and financial documentation.
- Task Management Software
Overseeing a team of employees can be challenging, especially when various team members are working on different projects at any given moment. Task management software makes it easy for employee and supervisor alike to keep track of their progress. Products like Asana can be used directly through a web browser or through a free-to-download smartphone application. This tool allows you to quickly shift projects based on date and priority, and it’s relatively easy to use, means your team can get up and running without a steep learning curve.
- Tools to Help Improve Interdepartmental Communication
Social media plays a significant role in most of our personal lives, and can be used to further marketing strategies, but have you considered the ways social media can be put to use within your company? Enterprise social media networking has become a crucial component of interdepartmental communication; it helps departments who have little face-to-face contact communicate more clearly, offers message board features that can help employees find answers to frequently asked questions, and may increase morale through refined communication.
You might also consider instant messaging systems like Slack, an organizational platform that allows team members to send direct messages to particular individuals. Slack integrates with other platforms, making it a seamless way to transition into improved communication.
- Updated Technology
Your team can only be as productive as their technology allows them to be. If they’re working on antiquated machines that take minutes to load applications (that should load within seconds), it’s time to update your business computers. Choose your technology based on employee needs; monitors with top-quality graphics are a must-have for your creative department, while mobile workstations are essential for team members that work remotely. Investing in top-technology now can pay dividends later, so look for online deals that you can take advantage of.
- Payment Processing Software
If you sell products or services online, you’ll need to integrate a processing infrastructure that can handle customer transactions. Use systems like Stripe, which are designed to simplify the payment processing system. This software solution offers a variety of features that provide convenience and security; record consumer credit card information for use later on, handle subscriptions, and expedite the payment process by transmitting card information into a simplified code.
- Customer Chat Applications
If you offer a product or service online, you need to provide your consumers an easy way to get in touch with you. Improving communication with your customer can help you increase conversion rates and boost profitability. If you haven’t already invested in customer chat applications, the time is now. Chat software gives your customers access to your support team with ease, and turns any visit to your site into an opportunity for great customer service. Select software that offers a targeted chat feature, allowing you to interact only with the customers that visit a specific category page or complete a particular action.
If you’re on the hunt for ways to beat out your competition in 2018, consider integrating these tools into your daily processes. Figure out which of the above products or software solutions is well-suited to your business—and reap the rewards before the year is through.