4 Signs You’re Being Stalked On Social Media

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Ever wondered if someone is stalking you on social media?

It is an undeniable fact that social media has connected most people in the world. However, with the information we constantly upload on the internet, we are more vulnerable to cyber crimes and stalkers. Stalkers constantly look at the things you do and from the information you post they can easily know your daily habits, your patterns, what you like and what you dislike. How do you know if you’re being stalked?

1. Your friend’s list

You know the list of friends that are usually suggested? This is not just random but a clue to who has been stalking your profile. As this algorithm also brings up friends who you’ve contacted recently, spotting a name among pals who you haven’t talked to recently could be a sign they are Facebook stalking you, with the app placing them there as encouragement for you to reach out.

2. They start liking all your old photos

How awkward is it when you see someone constantly liking your images? Especially images from a 2015 and we are in 2019, this is someone who has gone out of their way to see who you were to who you are now and even if most people do this, someone doesn’t have to like all your photos because that’s creepy.

3. Use a third party app

Third party apps are used to give you the lowdown on who has been visiting your profile, how often, and often what they’ve been hovering over. Yikes.

4. Someone reappears using a new name or profile

How odd is this? You blocked someone but now they decided to reopen a new account and start following you again. This is an obvious stalker with a clear intention of knowing your every move, please be afraid.

5. You’ve gotten an email warning you

If someone has tried logging into your account without your approval then obviously someone is not only trying to stalk you but they are probably trying to hack your account. Report the problem and change your password.

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